Our screenings


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck, below the Adam's apple and along the front of the windpipe.

The thyroid produces two key hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), which then secretes into the blood stream. These hormones influence the metabolism of your body cells, regulating how quickly they work.

There are a number of different disorders and conditions associated with the thyroid gland, including:

  • Overactive Thyroid (Hyperthyroidism) - This can result in feelings of nervousness or anxiety, as well as hyperactivity, heat intolerance, sore gritty eyes, and unexpected weight loss.
  • Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) - This can lead to feelings of tiredness and depression, as well as poor concentration, feeling cold, weight gain.
  • Goitre - A harmless swelling of the thyroid gland.
  • Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid conditions are extremely common. Although anyone can be affected, they tend to be more prevalent in women. Approximately one in 20 people have some kind of thyroid disorder, either permanent or temporary.

Causes of Thyroid Disorders

There are many different causes of thyroid disorders, varying from condition to condition.


  • Hashimoto's disease - A condition causing the immune system to mistakenly attack the thyroid. This damages the thyroid meaning it doesn't produce enough hormones.
  • Thyroid treatment - Previous treatment of the thyroid gland, such as surgery or radioactive iodine therapy, can cause an underactive thyroid.
  • Thyroid removal
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Damage to the pituitary gland - The pituitary gland regulates the thyroid, damage can lead to an underactive thyroid.
  • Viral infections
  • Medications - Certain medications have been linked to the condition, including lithium, amiodarone, and interferons.


  • Grave's disease - This auto-immune disorder is the most common cause of an over active thyroid gland. Approximately one in four overactive thyroids are caused by Grave's.
  • Toxic adenomas - Nodules develop in the thyroid gland and start to secrete thyroid hormones, disrupting the body's chemical balance. These nodules typically affect people over 60.
  • Medications - Certain medications such as amiodarone can cause the thyroid to become overactive.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thyroiditis - The inflammation of the thyroid can result in the production of extra thyroid hormones.
  • Thyroid Cancer - Although this is rare, a cancerous thyroid tumour can affect the production of thyroid hormones.

Many of the causes of heart disease develop slowly over time with few or no symptoms. This can mean that angina (chest pain) or heart attack are the first signs of coronary disease.

Thyroid Screening

A blood test measuring the hormone levels in the blood is the only accurate way to identify whether there's a problem with the thyroid. A thyroid function test looks at the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and throxine (T4) in the blood.

If the test reveals a high level of TSH and a low level of T4 in the blood, you may have an underactive thyroid. High levels of TSH but normal levels of T4 could indicate that you may be at risk of developing an underactive thyroid in the future, whereas low levels of TSH and high levels of T3 and/or T4 can indicate an overactive thyroid.

If you require any further information about thyroid screening, or to arrange a consultation, please get in touch. Our skilled and experienced team is always on hand to provide assistance.